Monday, January 19, 2009

I've Been Tagged!!!

Okay, so my sweet sister decided to tag me. I'm suppose to list 5 things that keep my mind and body balanced. So here goes:

1. Having Mike and Carver home. Nothing like having those two around to keep things bumping. Hard to have an adult conversation with a toddler, let alone get anything done. So its nice to have Mike home. I can have a conversation with him and leave to actually get things accomplished. But without Carver, I'd be without things to do (not!!!). :)

2. My ponies. They are the biggest stress reliever around. Nothing like going out to the barn and just petting horses to bring stress levels down. Plus I love training them and then taking them to shows to win ribbons. Those blue ribbons really prove how much I've accomplished.

3. Books. I love reading. Murder mystery romances are my favorite. I can curl up on the couch and just enjoy a good thriller and not leave the confines of my home.

4. Friends. I love my friends. I don't have many, but I keep the ones I have close. A good day of girl talk or any talk for that matter, is just great!!! I sure do miss my two college friends, Jenn and Jennika. Lunch just never is the same without you gals!!!

5. A place to call home. I think we're finally at that point in our lives where we can actually call this house our home. We were at two other houses, but there was always a looming decision as to where we will live and for how long. I think Mike is happy to be where he is working now. So we can put down some roots and just enjoy life.

1 comment:

Victor and Jennika said...

I miss you too! I know I keep saying let's do lunch or dinner or something soon, but really let's try to get something together in the next month or so. I would love for you to meet Vic...I really think you will totally approve and think he is the best thing that has happened to me (well, I know he is!)
I will chat with him about it tonight and we will figure out when we can meet up with you and Mike and I want to see Carver!