Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Dogs, Duck Boats, and Decoys.....

We decided to take a break from the house and take the duck boat out. We went to Cutler Marsh and cruised around. Carver had a blast. He decided to test his water legs after we stopped to play with Bronc. He was brave enough to throw the dog dummies out in the water, clean sticks out of the boat, and help daddy drive. I think we may have a future duck hunter on our hands!!!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Big Helper.....

Carver has helped us on all our remodeling projects on this house. Good help is hard to find!!! He likes to "paint" the walls with a dry paint brush. And has even gotten into wet paint when we weren't looking. Helped put in a toilet, grout tile, paint, and install lights. Now his expertese has led him to tearing down wallpaper. He helped soaked the wallpaper while I ripped it off. I may even think about hiring him out when we're done!! Hahahaha!!! Sorry about the blurry pics.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Who needs toys....

Who needs toys when you have mom's furniture??? He's decided that table climbing is a great new past time. He'll stand up on it and then "sing" at the top of his lungs. Maybe he has ambitions to be on American Idol in 15 years??? At least he's wearing socks. Dual purpose, he's having fun and dusting for me at the same time!!! Hmmm....the possibilities now!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Highlights From Carver's Show season.....

Carver has pretty much grown up around the caos of a pony show. By the time he was 3 months old, I had taken him to 4 pony shows, 3 of which were out of state. We even made an 11 hour truck ride one way to a Powell, Wy. show. Too much fun!!! So over the winter, we practiced riding his ponies. This year he was 13 months old at his first show. He rode Grandma Luwana's Gold this year. Anyways, he had a blast and is freaking adorable (not just coming from a mother's point of view). We'll continue leadline next year, but hope to add him in a few halter and costume classes. Enjoy!!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Chocolate and Children.....

You think that after convincing evidence such as this, that we would learn that children and chocolate don't mix. But how could we say no to an adorable face like that??? Guess we'll keep the steam cleaner and scrub rags handy!