Saturday, September 27, 2008

Highlights From Carver's Show season.....

Carver has pretty much grown up around the caos of a pony show. By the time he was 3 months old, I had taken him to 4 pony shows, 3 of which were out of state. We even made an 11 hour truck ride one way to a Powell, Wy. show. Too much fun!!! So over the winter, we practiced riding his ponies. This year he was 13 months old at his first show. He rode Grandma Luwana's Gold this year. Anyways, he had a blast and is freaking adorable (not just coming from a mother's point of view). We'll continue leadline next year, but hope to add him in a few halter and costume classes. Enjoy!!!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

How adorable. I want carson to ride the ponies again. He had such a blast. Carver is just the right size.