Saturday, February 14, 2009

Gotta Love Trucks....

So I was on the freeway today. It, of course, was snowing and the roads were slushy. On days like these, I always drive the truck. Its not like my car can't make it, but its more for my safety due to the various other people who don't know how to drive in these types of conditions. So the prime example today. I was driving, the freeway slowed, I slowed and the car behind me didn't. So I got rear-ended by a car going fairly fast. So we pull over and access the damage. The bumper got a little dented and lifted up (as his car went underneath it). His car's front end is pretty smashed, his fan was hitting the hood that was dented in, and the body work to fix it will most likely cost more than the car itself (it was an older honda). Its a good thing he missed the actual hitch or he wouldn't have been driving out (he hit the hitch casing, which is what caused a lot of the damage). Now, if I was in my car, I'm sure the damage would be tear-faced worthy. Hooray for trucks!!!

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