Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sunday Pheasant Hunt

So off for more hunting this weekend. Mike and his friend got invited to a pheasant hunt on a private ranch. Birds were paid for. And the guy wanted everyone to bring their wives. I was a bit more successful at this hunt. The targets were bigger. Hahaha! But I managed to kill 2 pheasants and only shot 5 times. It was a lot of fun. We also got a new dog. Penny is an english pointer and fully trained. So it was neat to see her work. She did awesome. Skeeter is still learning, but he did good. Here is a pic of our successful hunt. Mike got the other 2 pheasants and the chukar I missed. :D


Denni said...

Why in the hell did you get another dog girl? You have as many dogs as horses-hahaha

Kinghorn said...

Don't ask. Mike has his thing, I have mine. But they all stay outside.