Sunday, May 24, 2009

Horse Show Results

I had our first AMHR memorial day horse show this past couple days. It was fun and the first major show of the year. As usual, I forgot to take pics with the camera I brought. So you'll just have to read. The day before the show, I was doing a finishing trim on RJ. He was being a pill (as usual), swung his head around and cold cocked me in the face. I ended up with my nose rearranged (it leans a little to the left now), a black eye and a cut just above it. The eye is pretty and the nose is swollen, but not too bad. So I doped up on the OTC drugs and off to the show we went (after a quick stop at the docs to be sure I didn't need stitches, but of course, managed to get a tetnus shot out of the deal). Chase won his ammy jumping and hunter classes. Also placed 1st in versatility. He got 2nds in driving (which isn't bad for him being so green at it). The next day was halter and he blew those classes. Didn't want to be at the show (he sometimes gets that way). But we did end up with 3rd out of 4 horses. So he at least didn't place last! Hahahaha!!! RJ also did good (as I coined him the crazy black and white for the weekend). He won his ammy jumping and hunter classes (clearing the jumps by a few feet easy!). Then he took grand champion senior classic gelding and 1 grand champion overall and 2 reserve champion overalls. I also tried my hand at liberty with him. He took 2 firsts (he was a bit to catch, but we did it in the time allotted). So we came home with lots of blue ribbons and a fun weekend! I'll try to get pics next time. :)

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